Friday, November 16, 2007

GEO NEWS SHUT DOWN (Where are we going?)


Dictator government in Pakistan has banned the Media in Pakistan since November 3rd. However US government continue to call Musharaf its ally. My question to you is, is Country US's ally or individual.

Being a US Citizen, I am feeling ashamed of myself on US policy for supporting one man in the country against the will of Pakistanis. My husband is of Pakistani descend and I can see the misery he is going through or his entire Nation. US calls for democracy and freedom of speech all over the world, so how come US is still supporting a dictator government. USA has lot of influence in Pakistan, I am sure you are aware of this and I am sure if US exert pressure, Musharaf will step down and free the media and judiciary.

GEO TV which is the most ppoular TV channel in Pakistan has been banned since Nov 3, 2007. However international viewers were still able to watch the channel. As of November 16, 2007, this brutal and dictator regime has completely banned it. Now Pakistani people will be completely in dark...thanks to USA and its unconditional support for ONE MAN- who is the most hated in Pakistan and among overseas Pakistanis around the globe.

I request you to please bring it up in the house and the senate and exert pressure on Pakistani regime. I thank you for your support.

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