Friday, November 16, 2007

GEO NEWS SHUT DOWN (Where are we going?)


Dictator government in Pakistan has banned the Media in Pakistan since November 3rd. However US government continue to call Musharaf its ally. My question to you is, is Country US's ally or individual.

Being a US Citizen, I am feeling ashamed of myself on US policy for supporting one man in the country against the will of Pakistanis. My husband is of Pakistani descend and I can see the misery he is going through or his entire Nation. US calls for democracy and freedom of speech all over the world, so how come US is still supporting a dictator government. USA has lot of influence in Pakistan, I am sure you are aware of this and I am sure if US exert pressure, Musharaf will step down and free the media and judiciary.

GEO TV which is the most ppoular TV channel in Pakistan has been banned since Nov 3, 2007. However international viewers were still able to watch the channel. As of November 16, 2007, this brutal and dictator regime has completely banned it. Now Pakistani people will be completely in dark...thanks to USA and its unconditional support for ONE MAN- who is the most hated in Pakistan and among overseas Pakistanis around the globe.

I request you to please bring it up in the house and the senate and exert pressure on Pakistani regime. I thank you for your support.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lets go to the Bazaar today in chains...

The tearful eyes, the noisy spirit;
Are not enough…
The accusation of hidden love is not enough;
Lets go to the Bazaar today in chains;
Lets go with hands waving, intoxicated, dancing;
Lets go with dust on our heads, blood on our sleeves;
Lets go to the city our love lives in…
Everyone is watching…
The city’s ruler, the general populace…
The unhappy morning;
The day with no purpose;
The arrow of accusation;
The stone of abuse;
Who else beside us is their ultimate friend?
Who now in our beloved city is pure?
Who now is worthy of the executioner’s hand?
Pick up the burden of the heart…
Let us go, heartbroken ones…
We are the ones who have to be;
Murdered again, my friends… by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Open letter to US Congress and Senate

Dear Congress and US Senate,

I have been aware of the latest developments in Pakistan. I urge the congress to exert pressure on Pakistani government to restore human rights. US's unconditional backing of President Musharaf's regime to help US's war on terrorism is now unacceptable.

US Congress and senate should support the people of Pakistan and not support one man. President Musharaf is now the most unpopular figure in the entire Country. He has banned the media, arrested the lawyer community and arrested majority of political workers. He has imposed ban on political movement when elections are around the corner. Judiciary is under house arrest and his puppet judiciary is in the courts, totally non-functional.
How does US government believe that this will help its war against terrorism in Pakistan. War against terrorism will be best fought by a political and democratic government in Pakistan.

Unless there is an extreme pressure from US Government, Mr. Musharaf will not stop his brutality. Please know that situation in Pakistan is way worst then ever before in its 60 years history. The reaction by Pakistanis is also way different from ever in the Past. If Unites States would like to restore its image in Pakistan, now is the best time to exert pressure on Pakistani Musharaf's regime.

USA should exert pressure on following points:

1. Unconditional lifting of emergency and restoration of the Constitution.
2. Lifting of ban on Media, new Prema Ordinance is unacceptable by the Media both internationally and in Pakistan.
3. Roll back of Judiciary to its state as of Nov 2, 2007.
4. Formation of free and fair Election Commission by consensis with all political parties
5. Release of all political prisoners including Imran Khan, Itizaz Ahsan and others.

US is welcoming the announcement of elections from Mr. Musharaf. However US Government needs to ponder upon what kind of elections will be held when major political leaders are either outside of Pakistan or under arrest. What kind of elections will be held when there is a biased election commission and a puppet judiciary. What kind of elections will be held when there is no freedom of movement both for political parties and normal citizens.

Please know that the majority of Pakistanis believe that this emergency was imposed only for the savior of Musharaf's office as he was afraid of the decision coming from the supreme court. US Government should understand and listen to the voice of Pakistan and Pakistanis around the world and exert unconditional pressure on Musharaf's regime.

I thank you for your time and I hope you agree with my point of view.

I also request entire US Pakistani Citizens to contact their congressman and senators and request them to exert pressure on Pakistani government.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

PEMRA Act is a violation of general human rights

Lets discuss the clauses of New Pemra Act and see how they violate the general human rights of Pakistani Citizens. The new Pemra Act as amended reads;

“5A. Restriction on publication of certain material. (1) No printer, publisher or editor shall print or publish in any book, periodical or paper any material which consists of,-

(a) Photographs or pictures of suicide bombers, terrorists (except as required by law enforcing agencies for purposes of investigation), bodies of victims of terrorist activities, statements and pronouncements of militants and extremist elements and any other thing which may, in any way, promote, aid or abet terrorist activities or terrorism:

In free society, it’s the responsibility of the Citizens of the state to distinguish between right and wrong. Showing pictures of terrorists or broadcasting their messages does not at all promote terrorist activities. Pakistani citizens are responsible individuals; they can listen to the messages of terrorists and still be loyal Pakistanis. Lets see this is light of foreign media, India shows messages of Kashmir Freedom Fighters including Syed Gilani and other leaders of the Huriyat. Many Indians will call them terrorists or nationalists, however media is not banning them from appearing on TV. In USA, even the most conservative network FOX NEWS, show messages of Ossama Bin Laden and other known terrorists as they appear and they show them over and over again. Pakistani government should focus on dealing with the terrorists instead of worrying about their messages broadcasted on the Media.

(b) graphic or printed representation or projection of statements, comments, observations or pronouncement based on sectarianism, ethnicism or racialism;

Again, in free society if Pakistani Citizens or sector of Pakistani Citizens has opinions of ethnicism, Media should by all means show this to Pakistanis. If Baluchis have some complaints against the Federal Government or they feel neglected by the policies of Pakistani Government, their voice should be broadcasted in the Media. Due to the same policies, we lost East Pakistan in 1971 and unfortunately after thirty years or so, we learnt nothing from it. BANNING THE MEDIA FROM BRADCASTING WILL NOT STOP ETHINICITY.

(c) any material, printed or graphic, that defames, brings into ridicule or disrepute the Head of State, or members of the Armed Forces or executive, judicial or legislative organs of the State.

What is the meaning of not defaming the Head of the State, Legislature, Executives and members of the Parliament? There is none provided in the ordinance. Even though government is saying that they will welcome "Positive Criticism", its hard to draw a line between Positive Criticism and Defaming. Government can easily blame any channel of defaming and press charges as per their won definition, even though it was just a criticism.

We are in 21st century, and out politicians are still living in 14th or may be 11th. They are unaware of international media policies or they have their eyes totally shut. They claim that they came up with this ordinance in light of ordinances in USA, INDIA and Europe. This is totally not true, have they not seen programs on USA channels like "Lil Bush", "Real Time with Bill Maher", "Lou Dobbs" etc, they criticize and defame the government, head of the state and even their Armed Forces. It does not mean they don’t love them, they show what is happening and what people like and what can give them ratings. That’s what the responsibility of Media is. Media's responsibility is not to give fame to ruling party and Head of the State. Isn’t Government Channel (PTV) already doing enough of that?

As far as Armed Forces of Pakistan are concerned, why cant we defame them. If they are killing Pakistani Citizens, if they are bombing innocent civilians, if they are violating the constitution of Pakistan, if they are beating the innocent civilians, we have all the right to defame and blame them for their actions. Its enough of Armed Forces, we have given them enough respect in these sixty years, they have lost almost all wars, took most of our budget and all they have given us is Dictator over Dictator. So why keep Armed Forces on highest regard, they can’t beat the terrorists, they can’t provide security from international interference, they cant help the government to provide basic simple human rights to Pakistanis so what kind of fame they accept from us. Entire Nation should ponder upon this. No institution in Pakistan is over criticism.

(d) any material that is likely jeopardize or be prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or the sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan;

What is the ideology of Pakistan? Who will define what material is against the ideology of Pakistan; In free society each citizen is obliged to have his own ideology of the Country which may differ from the other Citizen.

I welcome your comments on this, if you agree with me, lets all fight against this unacceptable and brutal PREMA ordinance. Please put pressure by emailing PEMRA chairman at You can email me at

Monday, November 12, 2007

Protest in Stockholm against the so called EMERGENCY in Pakistan

President Musharaf's Press Conference

President Musharaf on his latest press conference held Nov 11, 2007 looked very agitated and edgy. He failed to give one solid and legitimate reason for his so called "Emergency". He said that this emergency was necessary so that Army could be deployed in the Swat region. However Pakistani Constitution allows the deployment of Pakistan Armed Forces in any province on the request of the Chief Minister. Chief Minister of NWFP has previously requested the deployment of PAK Army in various areas and Army was deployed. Hence President's justification of Emergency just because Army deployment was needed is baseless. He could have easily deployed Army without the proclamation of Emergency.

He also said that he went into various discussions with Civil Society before making a decision on Emergency, he failed to name who though. I am not sure what his definition of Civil Society is, I hope he does not mean his cabinet. None of the Civil Society in Pakistan was consulted, Civil Society has denied it itself and even if they were consulted, they would have never suggested him in the favor of his actions.

He also said that emergency was needed as Judiciary was acting against the government and it was making the government hard to function. In any civilized Nation, it is the requirement of the judiciary to keep checks and balances on the government. Judiciary's actions were the direct results of governments wrongdoings. President mentioned that "only few people" in the judiciary were to be blamed. If we take him for his words then how come majority of judges refused to take oath under the new PCO. Even those who took oath were forced, bribed and manipulated.

On various occasions during the Press Conference, President kept on emphasizing that he wants to clear the doubts of International Media and governments overseas. Even during the question answer session, he was leaning towards talking to international media. This is so shameful for Pakistan that our own President is way more concerned about clearing the doubts of international community and does not even care of his own people. It looked like, he was trying to portray a liberal and honest image of himself in front of international community, setting aside what his own community thinks of himself.